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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Who will win the Democratic presidential nomination: Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama?

The race for the Democratic nomination has gotten very tight. With ten states left to vote, who do you think will grab the democratic nomination, Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama?


4 Comments: | Post yours

Blogger biggest D in Cat/Co said...

Hillary Clinton is absolutely the most qualified person running to be the President of the United States. We all need to get serious with this. We are not picking an "American Idol" winner. The TV news media has made this into a popularity contest. We need to remember that the winner of this is going to be the leader of our country. And we've been without a competent leader for over 7 years.
Surely to God the American people can gather information on these candidates and see for themselves that Hillary Clinton is by far the best person for the job.
We do have a choice, our own private choice. Let it be your choice, not the bias news media, not the persusaion of charisma. If the American people would spend just one evening studying the candidates, they will see. Hillary Clinton should be the next President of the United States

March 5, 2008 at 5:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barack Obama should win the nomination. He is the change we need in Washington. Hillary is a divisive candidate who is absolutely unelectable on a national level. Too many people dislike her for her to be able to draw many unaffiliated voters, much less any Republicans. She has ridden the coattails of her husband all the way to the Senate, which was plenty far enough. Obama has the positivity, diplomacy and intelligence we need in a President and has led this race from the beginning! He will win the nomination.

March 6, 2008 at 4:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous that we need a change--back to the good economy, the most jobs, the best stock market--that was the Clinton administration. With Hillary we would get that plus no problems with girlfriends! Get us out of this war; get us all good healthcare!
WE need a strong woman who cares and always has about her country. If you read about her you can see what she had done for people. She's met leaders all over the world, helped bring the education system in Arkansas from dead last to first; got insurance for millions of kids; serves on the Armed Service Committee and has won the respect of dozens of military Generals, and senators from both sides of the aisle.

March 7, 2008 at 10:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need John McCain in the office to make sure we are not attacked again and that no Democrat loots the system like Slick Willie and Billery did for 8 years and Obama who will sit down with our enemies and open the front door to people who wish to kill us. All Democrats care about are themselves, they could care less about the future of America. Vote Republican in Nov. 08.........

March 23, 2008 at 11:05 PM  

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